George Washington Carver died penniless and insane

I like a clean inbox.  I may be alone in this.  There seem to be plenty of people who are perfectly comfortable with their inboxes being full of crap from three years ago, but I can’t stand it.  Must respond.  MUST DO.  A clean inbox means no obligations to return communications.  Questions answered.  Favors done.  Work done.  A clean inbox.

I had achieved the state of zero by what seemed the simplest of methods: I printed what needed to be printed.  Before you hippies get all anxious, I should tell you that I don’t print every email I get.  That’s more ridiculous than not cleaning out your inbox.  I just print the stuff my Sweet Lady sends me to print.

And you might ask yourself, “Why doesn’t he tell her to print her own damn stuff?”  Or, you might ask me, “Why don’t you tell her to print her own damn stuff?” Or, you might say to me, “Tell her to print her own damn stuff.”  If only it were that easy.  See, she uses a Mac and the printer is connected to a Windows machine.  And not just any machine, a Windows Vista machine.  So, yeah, not so easy, is it Mr. and or Ms. Smarty Pants?

But there I was, printing the stuff she had emailed me to print because I can’t get the computers talking.  And I was done.  DONE!  Inbox to ZERO my NERO!  And just about that time, here comes another print request.  6 PDFs.  God knows how many pages.  LPD protocols are now being configured.