I’m fixin’ to talk about my Mama if y’all don’t mind

This post is several years old. I still feel the same way.

You can say whatever you want to about Kanye West, but if he winds up penniless and insane, he is more than welcome to sleep on my futon if for no other reason than that he made this song.  I love this song mostly because I love my Mama.  I’ve often thought about singing this song to Mama in pretty much the same way Kanye sings it in the video.  If you think he looked like a jackass at the MTV Music Video awards as he was interrupting Taylor Swift, you can only imagine what a jackass I would look like — pale, 37 year old — singing this song to my Mama.  Not something that would be fit for the YouTubes.

Also not something that is going to happen.  Can’t happen because Mama has been gone now for three years.  That sucks.  Today would have been her 70th birthday, and I want to be able to celebrate it with her.  Our birthdays are very close on the calendar, so that made her birthday seem special to me for some reason.  I miss sharing this week with her.  So I don’t give a damn what you think about Kanye West.  As far as I am concerned, he made the best Mama song EVER.