Isn’t it good

Oh, that’s funny! I don’t care who you are, there’s nothing like a good fartlek joke to lighten the mood. Some of you want to act like A) you have never fartleked or B) that your fartleks don’t smell. Everybody’s fartleks smell, at least if you are doing them right. All that pent up energy getting pushed out is not going to happen without some sweating and groaning, so fess up y’all. You’ve fartleked before, and you have done it because it is fun. That’s the root of the Norwegian word, “fun.” At least I believe it to be Norwegian. It could be Finnish (or Fin. Whatever.)

My point is this: running should be fun. Hopefully it is playful. I ran yesterday for about 4 miles. I walked a fifth (not to be confused with walking a mile for a fifth. Or a Camel.) It was fun. It was in the woods. I had music in my ears. I did not try to push myself, but I did not try to restrain myself either. Just out there moving my legs (having liberally applied Vaseline to said legs because A) they are flabby and B) they tend to chafe when flabby.) Nothin’ better in late summer than running around. Except maybe tomatoes.