Ow! Too hot!

Yes, indeed you do need to get out of the house every now and again. One does. Sorry, I did not mean to imply you personally had to get out of the house. Maybe you have a plenty big house such that you can go hang out in one part all day and then when you come back to the kitchen or the bedroom or whatever, you are fine with still being in the house. Or maybe you work two or more jobs and you are never home so being in the house is a treat and you don’t necessarily want, much less need, to get out. But we needed to get out.

Tallulah has been off school for a few days, and it’s been a bit rainy around the Valley. Now, I could sit in the easy chair and watch episodes of The West Wing on Netflix all week long, but that’s not a great use of the sweatpants (or it’s a great use of the sweatpants but not what I intended them for.) The plan had been to walk about down to the Tbombs since it has been well over a year since we have been there. They keep getting sick, which gets in the way of our hanging out.

Our planning a visit has, of course, caused them to get sick. (Not really. That’s, as Jed Bartlett would point out, “post hoc propter ergo hoc.”) In any case, we needed to walk before the Tbombs were ready to run, so we ha e detoured to Charlotte for the day. Charlotte is the city with the worst hashtag on Twitter. It’s also got a cool children’s museum, an IKEA, and a South Indian restaurant. Not to mention that this hotel has a hot tub, which begs the question, “What am I doing talking to you?”