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You’re gonna carry that weight
It's an odd bit of trivia that Asheville, so often characterized as a progressive bastion in its region, relegates celebrations of the LGBTQ community to October when most of the country holds those celebrations in June. The Stonewall Riots occurred in June, so the month …
They’re all bold as love
When Mary was pulled to the point of breaking by seven devils going seven different directions, Christ's love had provided an axis by which her spirit could be aligned. And now what? Going back to being torn apart is not an option.
I’m packing you in like I said
How do any of us let go of old patterns that once served a purpose but now only bring grief? It might be that the process of letting go killed Jesus, or perhaps he had to die in order to let it happen. The relationship …
There always was a man to blame
Blaming God has a history much longer than diss tracks, of course, although not quite as long as men blaming women. And we don't seem to get tired of it.
I told you I was trouble
This is not an invasion of Peter's privacy, it is a sharing of intimacy. It's a statement that says we are welcomed to be in relationship with this one who exceeds all of our understanding. Like Peter, I imagine that I would be likely to …
It breaks my heart
Then again, you may not want to hear it from Judas anymore. It's too heartbreaking, as is the truth that, late at night, at the end of the road, Judas probably wishes he hadn't destroyed the one thing that gave him hope.
He don’t know what it means to love someone.
This may sound like I have constructed an insufferable Hipster Jesus who was into Passover before it was cool. And yeah, maybe a little bit, but I think there's something more to it. I'm suggesting that maybe Jesus didn't want to be famous for simply …
But listen to the color of your dreams
In those moments when she was sitting at his feet, not helping her sister Martha in the kitchen like she should have, Mary has seen Jesus and all of his story fully and completely. And she is in awe.
Born down in a dead man’s town
If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ just say this, ‘The Master needs it and will send it back here immediately.’”
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die
This post, which is way too long, talks about the practice of Lectio Divina as described by the Trappist monk, Fr. Thomas Keating and how it can be used to engage with music as a vehicle to interacting with the divine presence.
Like, ever
And I don't know how much effort Jesus was putting into having a relationship with Lucifer in the first place. Maybe he was just acknowledging that, as the one through whom all things are created, he's going to have some sort of relationship with the …
You used to a little kid in glasses
Jesus will be ok, but he's not fine at all. Because he knows that Judas will remember. Judas will think back to the time when their work together began, not so long ago in Galilee. Judas will hold on to that memory like a talisman, …

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