And what’s with using the therapy voice all the time?

Is Carl Mumpower retarded? Socially I mean. Like has his development been slowed by some genetic disorder or freak accident? I would never use the term “retarded” pejoratively. That would be gay-ruhn-teed to be offensive. I seriously want to know what the issue is with Carl.

Sure, he rocked the nerd glasses in a way Jan Davis can only dream of. In a stunning example of the ends of the political spectrum warping back on each other, Carl and Cecil Bothwell share a deep and abiding concern for the maintenance of the city’s pedestrian infrastructure. Carl seems to be everywhere. One might say he is all over the map.

So shooting holes in his most recent Citizen-Times op-ed just seems too dang easy. Cruel even. You don’t ridicule a child for not knowing the hymns simply because it is his first time in church. Problem is, Carl’s been in the pews for a while. Maybe it’s not his fault. Maybe he’s tone deaf.