Maybe some of you had already gotten over it, but this “Psalm 109:8” thing was new to me. We were driving down the road and I saw this bumper sticker on some gas guzzling truck and I wondered what it meant because, as Angi West knows, I love me some Jesus and I get curious about such things.
So I whip out the R2 unit (ok I quit tweeting on the R2 unit) and googled the sucker. Basically, what these nut jobs are saying is that they want the President to die. Now, because what the line says is “his time be short” many of these wing nuts will tell you that they just don’t want him to win another term. But the very next line in the Psalm is about making his children orphans. Don’t try to tell me this ain’t about killin’.
On the other hand, who the fuck follows a religion like that? Lots of bashing skulls and wreaking vengance on mine enemies. That’s nuts. It’s also history. Hillel and Jesus and Mohammed (not to mention the Buddha) taught us a different way, a way based on compassion. We are left with the task of reconciling this message with our past, but that’s the task of life, is it not? Trying to live up to our beliefs? So let’s knock this justification of assasination through scripture shit off already.