I’ve been afraid of changing

“This might take longer than we thought.” Of course it is going to take longer. We do not know how long home improvement projects take. There is no way we could know. We work in offices. We got degrees in things that feature books prominently. I know how long it takes to write a really good page of manuscript. (Hint, much longer than it takes to write a mediocre blog post.) Painting a bathroom, not so much.

Hence I was shut up in a small room with just a toilet and a shower all day long, and this was not in any sort of government institution. I know it was very clear outside today because I walked the dog once or twice. I also know it was very hot. So sitting inside painting a room and listening to Fresh Air podcasts while other people were outside sweating was just fine with me. I have even offered the neighbor kid a not inconsequential sum to come over and mow my grass so I can to it all again tomorrow. Should be fun.

The fun thing is this, there is a do-over in the bathroom. I used to look at the scuff marks on the wall and think about how the builder really screwed us with that cheap paint. Pretty much all you had to do was touch the wall and it would scuff. I’d also look at the mildew on the wall and feel bad about how we had mildew on the wall. That’s gone now too. Past mistakes or eras of neglect have been covered up with one day’s work. And they will never, ever happen again. Tonight.