Oh what a night.

So here we are, live blogging date night. Not to worry, we will not be live blogging any of what Tallulah would call “the kissy kissy parts.” Of course, one could question if there will be any “kissy kissy parts” if one live blogs the date for too long.  This is sort of an adventure date anyway, as we climbed all the way up to the top of the Fine Arts Theater.  I might lose my Doc Chey’s from hypoxia.

We are enjoying this date night thanks to the three night mini camp to which Tallulah has gone this week. Bunk beds. Camp songs. Cabin mates. I am so excited for me and my date night. Or rather for Tallulah and her new experiences, but I have to admit that it is strange not having her around. Please remind me of this perverse desire to care for another human being when school starts.