If you never go then you will never know

I should have gotten more pictures from the Pride Festival, but I was dancing too much. Dancing because Stephanie’s Id rocked out on a very chilly day. Unbelievable people. Sometimes the energy that a band transmits on stage is not possible to discern from a studio album, and I’m not dissing the studio. Some of my best friends are studios. The point is that this band is able to execute their thing on stage as well as they do in a controlled setting.

Now, while that is awesome to see, what you totally don’t get if you don’t go see them live is that Stephanie Morgan puts on a hell of a show, totally engaging the crowd. Which is to say that she shows the love, and this crowd is about nothing if it is not about love. I don’t know what I expected from a pride festival. Drag queens and leather dykes maybe? Ok, that’s what I got at Blue Ridge Pride, but it was not a “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it” vibe. It was much more a celebration that love cannot be denied. That’s what I got anyway.