How do we feel about that?

I Might Be Wrong About Occupy Wall Street

Did you miss this before? Maybe you didn’t follow the link? I think a lot of people did not follow the link because the internets have not been all abuzz with my creation. And yes, it is made from a song that is already a lot of loops, so that makes looping the song easier, but what the hell? I had a good time.

Plus, I got to think about Occupy Wall Street a little bit. And here is what I think: “God bless ’em.” When I finally realized that what the OWS folks are trying to do is essentially an experiment in governance, or parliamentary procedure as a form of protest, I thought that these are my kind of geeks. If the problem is that an unholy combination of corporate wealth and political spending have disenfranchised the vast majority of our citizens, what better way to object than to be radically inclusive? You go, direct democracy consensus building dudes!

Not that I want to go. I think I would get exhausted. As a matter of fact, I think they are getting exhausted. Talking with a friend who was recently there, she said that many of the people involved have never really participated in this kind of decision making before. Many of them have never been to a regular old business meeting before. This stuff will make you weary. But bless them for trying.