When I’m Out on the Street

We are horrified by exhuberance in parts of the middle east when our country is attacked.  Parts of the middle east are horrified by our exhuberance over the death of Osama Bin Laden.  So far, no one seems to bat an eye at the universal celebration over the demise of Moamar Qadaffi.  Don’t you think somebody, somewhere is pissed?  Even if everyone is glad the bastard is dead, does that make it ok to spike the football on his grave?

Pluswise, our goverment, though a long way from being repressive in the way of Libya, is taking actions that might lead one to call our celebration of the overthrow of a government which repressed the will of the people to be somewhat hypocritical.  Why yes, I am talking about Occupy Wall Street here. Specifically, I’m talking about. The arrest last night of Naomi Wolf, who’s only offense seems to have been walking on a New York sidewalk.  Certainly there were other sidewalks whuch she could have walked on, but that’s hardly the point is it?

The point is that she was not breaking any law. None. Why is the NYPD, and just about every other police department, so set on a strong negative reaction to these protests?  I don’t truck with conspiracy theories, but I could accept a thesis of mass psychosis.  What’s so scary about these people that we need to make up reasons to arrest them?  All they want to do is talk. Apparently that is as scary as it sounds.