Remembrance of rains past

The Mad Tea: Rain Remember from The Mad Tea: Krekel & Ami on Vimeo.

Arriving at the latter part of a day which was less than I hoped it would be, and knowing that the morrow held little promise of living up to its expectations, I sat at table with my Sweet Lady in the sweet dullness following dinner. She offered a caramel which at first I declined but soon after accepted. I bit into the candy while reading the enclosed pamphlet which encouraged one to savor the layers of flavor to be found in the confection. I found the pamphlet to be pretentious, but followed its instructions anyway and soon found myself transported to a warmer, fresher springtime accompanied by the anticipation of a long sweet summer with my beloved.

And I wondered, how is it that we can travel in time like this? What brings us here now and what sends us out to the future or back to the past. As Proust gets to pretty darn quick, this is no external journey. It is an internal exploration, a revivification of an experience once forgotten until it was remembered. A remembrance of a time not so different from this time except that at that time it was ok that not everything went to plan.

Perhaps it was raining on the one day we had together in the summertime. Or maybe the moon fell too soon over the marshes, turning us for home just as the adventure started. And there were those kids at the pond we passed. All they had to do was swim. But it didn’t matter. Back then we were here now. Kids swimming, boat turning, rain falling. It was all ok because where we stood then was where we stand now: on the edge of eternity. It doesn’t get any better than this.