Pink Martini does a pretty decent Auld Lang Syne

“Multiply” – Official Music Video from Stephanie Morgan on Vimeo.

I’ve been getting up at 5:15 even though I have not been running. My back hurts and it has been crazy but really the thing is that it is dark and cold and I don’t want to do it like I’ve done it before. Even though I can. So I sit there in the dark, listening to English Catholics and the Dalai Lama. The Catholics talk about God and the Lama talks about happiness and I don’t know for sure that there is a difference.

Because you can’t put either one in a box. I can’t put either one in a box. Not that I have stopped trying because that is how I do. “Get it the box, God!” He never listens to me. Well, he doesn’t do what I say. Sometimes, when I try to do what he says, I get happiness. And I get greedy. I want more, and I want to keep what I have. You know where this is going.

New Year’s Resolution: Share.