Is that anything like pink lemonade?

It’s been raining quite a bit, and that’s just fine with me. Low hanging clouds, heavy and pendulous, make me feel like I’m in Seattle. Or better yet, Portland. And I guess I should have known about Portland already, but I’m also not the sharpest tack in the box. Portland, it would seem, is like Seattle without “You’ve Got Mail.” In other words, it’s Asheville with more people. Or Brooklyn when it is not bitterly cold in January.

Which it was here, after it quit raining. Bitterly cold it was. Writing like Yoda I am. Reminded me of Brooklyn, Lexington Avenue did. Except, of course, that there is one Lexington Avenue in Asheville and probably, like, hundreds in New York. What are you gonna do? Move to Chicago? Doubtful. It is nice to be so close to the Boulder of the Appalachians though.