So I heard that thing that wiped out power to the Mid-Atlantic was either a “Land Hurricane” or a “Dorito.” Land Hurricane sounds like something out of a Saturday Night Live sketch, and that makes me want for that thing to have that name. I could be wrong about Dorito thing. It’s possible that I misheard the story on NPR. It was, however, some sort of Spanishish name. Kind of like how “tornado” isĀ Spanishish (as is “Gordita” sort of. From what I understand, “gordita” is a real word but it does not mean what Taco Bell thinks it means.)
But why are all the weather terms in Espanol? It seems to me like any Act of God that wants to wreck death and destruction in this country should learn the language before it comes blowing 80 miles an hour through our nation’s capital. That goes for any Europeans who want to raid our capital, be it financial or political. That dude from Barclays refused to speak English and look what happened to him.