Having a little “me time”

I’m not the type to go for me time. Surprising that someone who is arrogant enough to have a blog would not be arrogant enough to think he deserves to spend time doing what he wants with no regards for whatever else is going on. But, you understand, I am too damn essential to take a break. Having taken the girl to Tae Kwon Do, and not fully understanding how to use the network controls on my new old computer, it was off to the coffee house.

This particular coffee house is in a converted legion hall. It is big enough to dance in and, in fact, one of our favorite cheap thrills is to come to the coffee house on Saturday night when the tango club takes it over. We don’t dance, we just like to watch.

Tonight, a sparse Monday crowd is keeping it real. A couple of ladies, attractive enough but not distractingly so, carry on a conversation as the owner bustles around the pie cases. I sip a decent decaf blend while soft chamber music plays. Without really meaning to, I am having a moment.

And that is ok. When I get it on again, I’ll be in a better place. Not so jealous of everyone else who got their me time today while I cranked stuff out. And this brownie is killer.