Is it there yet? How about now? How about now?

It was with great disappointment that I had to concede that the tattoo is not to be right now.  I could, perhaps, come up with the scratch to get scratched, but it was just too much of an investment to make right now.  My guy did a great job putting together an outline, and I have no doubt that his work would be excellent or that the price he quoted was fair.  It’s just too much money right now.  So, I did give him a deposit in consideration of the work he has done and in the hopes that I will be able to get the tat done one day.  Without the downpayment, he’d be well within his rights to do the tattoo on someone else considering what he has invested in it.  The dream lives on.

In the meantime, I’ve elected to go down the other path I had been considering: adding video to the website.  Hence, a brand new Flip Mino is on its way from the Big Womyn of the Interweb.  Yes, I know I had said that I really wanted an iPod touch with video camera, but further consideration led me to conclude that waiting to afford to buy a product which does not yet exist and is only rumored to be in the works is perhaps not a great plan.  Instead, I’m gettin’ a Mino!

Having talked it over with my lady, I decided to go the Interweb ordering route because it was cheaper.  I also elected not to drop the extra 44 bucks for HD, a decision I hope I will not regret.  There is always something more to buy, and I refuse to be a sucker for that.  Plus, I’d like to buy other unnecessary electronica in the future.  Having placed my order, I am now tracking the package.  It left Lexington on Monday afternoon, reaching Knoxville late Monday evening or early Tuesday morning.  Leaving K’ville at almost 4am, it got to Altamont about 2.5 hours later.  Not bad time on mountain roads.  As of 7:40 am, it is  “out for delivery” which for all I know means that it has arrived at the Undisclosed Location.  I refresh the page every 40 seconds just to make sure I have not missed anything.

I’ll tweet when it gets here.  That won’t harm the Flip, right?