I have a little list

Several rains ago, Barbara Crafton wrote an eMo about being done and the sense of satisfaction that comes with it.  The problem, as she expressed it, is that she never seems to get done.  Something always interrupts and she is left with loose ends.  It got me thinking about the lists in my life.  I like my lists.  They give me a sense of purpose, direction, and accomplishment.  I also get anxious because they are never completely finished.  There is always something that needs to get done and is not.

So we were reading in the gospel of Mark today and it seemed like Jesus was trying to take a “me” day.  He wanted a little personal time but was just not getting it.  Things reached the point where he came as close as Jesus can come to calling a woman a dog.  Still, she stayed up in his grill and he finally conceeded that she was right.  He should, in fact, heal her daughter.  He seemed to feel somewhat better for the experience.

If Jesus feels compelled to carve out a personal day, I suppose I should not feel too guilty about getting fed up with the list.  Sometimes I just likes to relax.  Where I get of the rails, however, is in thinking that I am entitled to this time or that I am really the best judge of what feeds me.  As I have proven time and again, I am not the best judge of this.  Rather than looking to finish the list so that I get to watch TV, perhaps I should look for who needs to be healed and go from there.

Besides, if I finish the list, then what will I do?