On a Sunday Morning Sidewalk

Well, I woke up Sunday morning much earlier than I had anticipated, and the juice I had for breakfast wasn’t bad but I had coffee for dessert.  For whatever reason, the 13 hours I worked yesterday — while leaving me sore and somewhat dehydrated — have not left me terribly tired.  Perhaps Friday’s exhaustion makes Saturday look like child’s play.  With a steady rain falling this morning, the family not returning until this afternoon, and a surprise release from Sunday teaching obligations, I am enjoying a walkabout in the digital jungle.

I suspect that many of the festival-goers who we welcomed yesterday are likely not enjoying this morning.  More likely they will not be not enjoying anything until closer to the afternoon.  These folks idea of fun is obviously different from mine, and there would have been no reason for me to be there had it not been for work.  The interesting thing to me, though, was to see that for most of the Brewgrassers this was fun in the same way that running, writing, or eating are fun for me.  It is something they like to do, but not a definition of who they are.

Just because a recreation or hobby is not for me doesn’t say anything about me or that hobby.  Somethings just fit better.  This morning’s perambulations have brought me to blip.fm.  At last, my chance to be the DJ I always wanted to be!  Although I shun the impulse for external validation, it’s there right at the top of the page.  “You are Sanuk D,” it says.  Yes I am.