It ain’t braggin’

I rolled up to the friendly little 5k in the Valley of Love and Delight wearing my geeky headlamp and water bottles.  Today was a long run day and 5k is not qualifying as a long run, so I went out extra early and put in a significant number of miles that I could then follow up with the 5k.  Sine it was still dark and a thick blanket of fog lay over the land of the suwahree, I felt it was only prudent to strap on a fog lamp before proceeding.  The funny thing about the geography of this area is that, just three miles over, there was no fog whatsoever.  Back near home, fog again.

But as I was saying, I rolled up to the Valley of Love and Delight at around mile 11.  Within the small crowd which had gathered, I spied some friends and went over to chat.  By this time it was plenty light and one of them asked, “are you scared of getting caught out after dark?”  Har de har har, they all laughed.  “Well,” sez Sanuk D sezee, “it was dark when I left the house.”  Lots of people staring at their sneakers at that point.

Ok, so I am not a stud.  I could not run a sub-6 minute mile if you paid me.  Sub-7 would require some serious downhill.  There are plenty of people who can run a lot farther a lot faster.  I’m fine with that.  But every now and then I can’t help but take a little pride in what I do.  I did not go fishing for the “golly gee”s and ” woah, really?”s that followed my explanation of why I left the house at 6:20 for an 8:00 race.  If, however, you are going to dis the gear, be prepared to meet my little 16 mile day friend.

The 5k was fun, as they often are.  There is a good, community building reason to run them.  The sun broke through the fog about half way through, throwing shafts of light through the bamboo stands and onto the organic garden.  It is truly a remarkable place to be and run and hang out.  Despite the cramp in my calf, I enjoyed the two mile home through the height of the morning.  By the time I got home, la familia was awake and rarin’ to go, having awoke roughly two hours after my run began.  I, on the other hand, was ready for a nap.