By and by, Lord, by and by

When Louisa and I walked into Filo this morning, we were just looking for some brunch. Little did we know that Bob Walters and his lovely family would be hanging out in there. Kate and Jeremy had to take the youngsters home pretty quickly, but Bob was able to hang out for a bit. It was wonderful to have the.experience of seeing a friend for the.first time in years and literally start talking as if we had just seen each other yesterday.

It’s particularly heartening because soon it will be time to say goodbye to Brian Cole and Susan Weatherford for what may be months or years until we meet again. Susan and her family are in every way but blood our family. Brian has been a wonderful companion on my spiritual journey for the last 8 or 10 years. That journey has not always been easy.

Bob had been a part of that journey too. That we both, despite years without seeing each other, have retained our bond gives me hope for the future with Susan and Brian. It is a gift we have experienced with the Teitelbaums too. And with some folks who live now only in spirit. I guess the hope is that we will all be together one day.