20-20-20-4 hours to go-a-o

Actually, it is a little bit less than that at this point.  Your chance to vote on the future of my leg hair, as well as your opportunity to win a little bit of it, is drawing to a close.  Sometime around noon tomorrow the poll will be closed and you will have missed your chance.  Nah nah, nah nah nah.

As of this writing, the “yes” votes have a plurality, but they have failed to reach a majority.  See, I was on the debate team in high school.  Shocking, I know.  Anyway, so one of the things I learned is that, in like “Congress” or whatever, it’s not necessarily the side that gets the most votes that wins.  If the “yes” side does not get a majority of all the votes, then the issue fails.  So, 2 for, 1 against, and 1 “other” means no majority.

Perhaps you would be more concerned if we were talking about the o’fro.  Let’s face it, everyone wants a piece of this gem of Irish hairdom.  But you cannot have it.  Let the jealousy reign, the o’fro remains intact.  You will have to settle for calf hair.  Vote now, or don’t complain.

[polldaddy poll=2259635]