Oh, it is ON!

Ok, so up to now I have not really messed with an iPhone or its equivalent iPod Touch (which, I almost want to scream at parents of tweens who own one, is not an “iTouch.”  “iTouch” is what gets you 3-5 with time off for good behavior.)  Anyway, so I have been a pretty heavy Google user and have not really messed with the iPhonage much up to now.  But, the iPod Touch arrived today.

!!!!! SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!

This thing is awesome.  It’s fun to use.  There are a ton of apps.  Did you know that the app store is only a year old?  Really.  A year.  And look at all those apps.  There is even one that does exactly what I want it to do in terms of tracking my exercise and diet.  How did you know? ::Tears::

Up until now I had assumed that the next smartphone I own (we will soon just refer to them as “phones”) would be an android handset.  Did I mention my use of Google?  Anyway, now I am not so sure.  By the time the iPhone comes to Verizon, I may well be ready.  If I can settle on a good solution to sync my google stuff with my iPod stuff.  Right now, that is looking like it might cost 13 bucks in apps.  I can prolly live with that.

But the real point is, I was very prepared to say that Google was about to take over the world.  And they may well be.  But the revolution will not be on YouTube, it will be on Quicktime.  Apple is still way in there — says the guy who just now got an iTouch — so I am ready to see these two GIT IT ON!