Ride the pretty pony

Tallulah’s birthday is coming up, as it Jesus’s.  Since my Sweet Lady’s father was Jewish (he’s now departed) she grew up also celebrating Hanukkah and we celebrate it too.  I am not a Muslim, but I like a lot of their stuff and Ramadan is right about now.  Plus there is the solstice.  So there is a fair amount of activity going on.  This year, I’ve tried to be more on board with the activitying, and it is working out pretty well.

For instance, I bought a pink pony today.  Usually, my Sweet Lady will do the present shopping because that is something she like to do.  I have from time to time thought about objecting because I want to pick out stuff for Tallulah too.  Then I stop to consider that the idea of picking out Tallulah’s presents may be much different than the fantasy world in which I live.  So, I keep my mouth shut.

And Tallulah doesn’t ask for much.  She is generally very pleased with what she gets, although Ace’s contributions seem to be the most lasting.  It’s not like there is a long list of things from which to choose when one is out shopping.  For years, however, Tallulah has asked for a stick horse.  There is no reason why she should not have a stick horse, other than that it might encourage the expensive and slightly dangerous habit of real horses.  Even so, it is not that much of a thing and why we have not gotten her one is a great question without an answer.

So today, as I was headed to a run in Bent Creek, I stopped by Toys-R-Us.  That is a truly sad place, by the way, which could easily be made more magical and enticing with just a little spiffing up.  However, they do have stick horses.  You have to search around a little bit to get past the Nintendo DS units on every corner, but they are there.  My choices were a black and white horse, a brown pony, a unicorn that was supposed to make noise but just freaked me out because access to the battery was achieved through a tracheotomy-like zipper opening in its throat, and a pink and white pony.  I hesitated briefly between brown and pink, but the question was never really in doubt.  Let’s hope this does not lead anywhere.