Kisses on the bottom, I’ll be glad I got ’em

So, apparently Jesus was making copies.  Well, maybe not Jesus, but somebody who wants to be his friend.  Somebody who wants me to be his friend too.  Yesterday, I received a direct mail proselytization.  Someone went through the trouble of typing up a letter and an envelope, putting in a little tract, and sending it in the mail to me.  First class, by the way.  No bulk rate for Jesus.  This, my friends, is the first time I have been personally offered salvation through the US Mail.

As a person who is in a similar racket, I am interested in my reaction to these two approaches.  The mail approach seemed curious and slightly spooky.  Where did this person get my name?  Why was I being singled out for this offer?  Since nobody was going to follow up on the letter, did I need to take further action?  With the face-to-face approach, I felt a bit awkward, but also (as previously stated) touched and warmed by the gesture.  It seemed only a little inappropriate, and not at all spooky.  So, I am now re-dedicated to the idea that face-to-face is better.

My second quandary is this: What’s with all the Jesus up in my grill? I love me some Jesus, and I’m even down with the Church, so why the full on assault?  Is there something you want me to know, Jesus?  I don’t really think it works this way, but a part of me can’t help but be a bit paranoid.  Is there a message I’m not getting?  The answer is almost certainly “yes, you are missing something,” but I don’t think that something has anything to do with all these people who are trying to save me.