Why does it hurt when I pee?

First off, this is about what you think it is about, so if you are squeamish or afraid of having too much information, you can read some archived posts.  Not that I’m giving out gory details, but suffice it to say that what I thought was a kidney stone is more likely an infection.  I thought only girls got this kind of infection, but apparently not.  Of course, Tom Hanks had one in “The Green Mile.”  Maybe what I need is to have an extremely large man grab my crotch.

The Urgent Care (and this was urgent, my friends) doctor recommended that I take the antibiotics that my regular doctor had prescribed last night.  He also sent me to the drug store for some pills that are supposed to ease the, um, burning.  Perhaps seeing my eyes glaze over as he rattled off brand names, he said, “Just ask the people who work there, they will know.”  Discussing the state of my bits with a stranger is something I have a little trouble doing, so it took some nerve to ask Thelma where this stuff was.  She had to ask a pharmacist.  His response was, “You don’t need that, you need cranberry juice.”  I wanted to point out that I had not asked what he thought I needed, I asked for a location.  Thelma hinted that women mostly use this particular pill, so I headed off to the lady health aisle.

So far we are still waiting for the medications to kick in.  Meantime, while watching consecutive episodes of “Overhauled” and wondering why I was not watching “The Big Lebowski,” I thought “Hey, I could still run.”  This thought was probably foolish on several levels, but it was based in this fact: I have run every day this year.  That’s not saying much yet, but it could be saying something around November.  I had not been making much of a deal about it, until now.  As far as resolutions go, this is as close as I have gotten this year.

It is almost 60 degrees in the Land of the Suwaree today.  The sun is shining, the humidity is low, and the breeze is light.  A perfect day to go for a run.  Or a jog.  Sometimes people ask me how my jog was, and I want to yell at them that I was running and they are welcome to come keep up with my running anytime they want to “jog.”  Today I jogged.  Nice and easy, just enough to keep the streak alive.