A peach of a place

A peach of a latte
A peach of a latte

Did I show you this picture before?  I can’t remember.  And even if I did, I hope you will enjoy it again.  It was taken a while back at the little coffee house which I frequent when Tallulah is in ass whuppin’ lessons.  They converted an old American Legion hall into this place, and it is very cool.  Some Saturday nights, the Tango club comes and dances.  Seriously.  We get chocolate cake and watch.  So I was in here a while back and the barista made up my drink and then said “Oh, look, it’s a peach!”  And so it was.

The one thing that I have never been able to figure out is why they have tables out front.  The patio is pretty sunbeaten during much of the day, and there is a fairly busy street right beyond that.  Well, tonight the air is 70 degrees and holds the beginnings of fall.  The sky is crisp and clear in a way that, aside from here, I have only seen in California.  They can’t appreciate it because it happens everyday, but we know what it is worth because it only happens here in May and September.  Across the street, the chimes at the VA Hospital ring out a patriotic song at the passing of the hour.  A little bit cheesy, yet tonight I am apt to agree.  God bless America, my home.