Almost converged

For some reason, I keep coming back to wanting an iPod Touch rather than an iPhone.  Why is it that I don’t particularly care to have my phone integrated with what would essentially be my pda?  I don’t rightly know, except that there is a part of me that likes to have the option of leaving my pda behind.  For a couple of years, I carried around a Palm Treo 700p.  Nice enough device, but I felt the pressure of always being accessable.  Isn’t the point that I can plug into the borg whenever I want to, not that it constantly has me in its clutches?

Well, anyway, since I am playing around with this MyFace, SpaceBook, Tweeter thingamabob, it makes sense to have some tools to do that with.  I’d also like to have something to easily upload still pictures and video from.  Perhaps tweet and blog short posts.  I don’t need to be able to do that in the absence of wi-fi.  I like my Verizon service.  I’m not at all sure I want a touch screen phone.  Voila, two devices are needed here.  But, you say, the iPod touch doesn’t have a camera.  According to this post that may soon change.

Some people may scoff at the video capability because it is not as good as the Flip.  Others may wonder why a person would not pursue all the capability they can manage.  This was an argument against many of the mini-towers I looked at before I chose one to hook up to my big-ass tv.  The one I bought lacked wi-fi or lots of upgrade capability.  Some reviews would say, “why not buy a laptop, then you can move it around.”  I don’t want to move it around.  I don’t need to move it around.  I need it to do just what it does.  And I love my mini-tower.

I don’t want or need all the capability of the iPhone.  I probably don’t need the capability of the iPod Touch, but when did we start talking about need here?