Articulating fresh paradigms

People make words up. People take words and make them mean things that the words don’t really mean. Take Ace’s example of the use of the word “schedule” in place of “deadline.” When people say “schedule” it sounds complicated. When people say “deadline” it is concrete. People say “negative growth” when they mean “loss.” They say “leverage” when they mean “debt.” Maybe it’s a substitution of a positive sounding word for a negative sounding one, but methinks a lot of it is bullshit.

I didn’t used to think this. I used to think I was just dull, and that there were a lot of people in the world who just knew a lot more than me. Now I think that I’m not so dull and there are some people in the world who know a lot more than me. There are a lot of people who talk a lot of smack. They would like to be perceived as having special knowledge when they do not, so they manipulate the language. Why I continue to be surprised by people who attempt to manipulate a situation rather that just deal with it, I do not know. I am surprised by even my own attempts to manipulate situations, even though I do it.

The point is that there is no big secret. I thought there was, and everyone else knew it. But there is not. The secret is that some people want me to think there is a secret. But I’m telling you now, its not a secret. It’s just a visualization of an alternate paradigm which requires some out of the box thinking on the part of the end user to bring all of the parts into convergence.