Beans and Cornbread

It’s a point of pride with me to be able to cook a fair number of dishes without reference to a recipe. Most of the time I will not even deign to use a measurement device, such as a spoon or cup. “A little of this and a little of that” is what makes my cooking so interesting. And voluminous, since I have to keep adding a little more of this to balance out the little bit of that. It tends to work out, however, because these things can be frozen, reheated, and remarked on as to their being better as leftovers than they were originally. Not sure if this is a compliment.

Still, though, the experimentation is fun. Like with the little jalapenos today. I had kind of guessed that the smaller the pepper the more potent its powers. I am not confirmed in my belief, since that tiny little pepper (there were actually two, costing a total of $.08 at the store) pretty much blew my whole pot of chili away. Not to mention my eyes when I rubbed them with hands that had not been thoroughly washed. Wash your hands people.

Now I know. And I know about the chili too. The little peppers made it way hot, and I had already thrown in all the beans we had. It was either chick peas or lentils to the rescue, so I chose lentils. Turns out to be a good choice and might even appease those people who insist on putting some sort of meat substitute in their chili. (We’re vegetarians. It’s ok to just have beans.) With all those lentils and peppers and watering eyes and running noses, I think I came out with something we can really enjoy. And how else would I find this out?