Boob Trust Second Life

Lo! Long you have waited for this, the second installment of the first recorded conversation of the Boob Trust.  Wherein we discuss: Facebook, WTF? and: really? The New York Times?  Also, yours truly reveals how my cousin is sort of like Elliot Spitzer, but not really.  At all.

Not much more to say that has not already been said or that my wanting to take Tallulah and my Sweet Lady out for an adventure will allow.  Again, this installment’s music is“Monsoon” by the Bomboras and can be found on  You can subscribe to the podcast in the iTune’s store.  Search for “Sanuk D.”  As far as I know, it’s still there.  If there is someone you would like to hear on the podcast, email me. Sawadee AT sanukd DOT com.