Cook it right in the kitchen sink

The remains looked like tar pooled at the bottom of a beaker in some petrochemical lab.  This is not the first time I have produced such a substance, but it’s probably the first time since the Clinton Administration. I just don’t drink that much coffee in the afternoon. Especially not two cups of Starbucks Sumatra at 4pm. I am, after all, a responsible adult.

Which I have been being a lot lately, and let me assure you that that shit will wear you out.  I am a tired boy and lazing around all day long has not significantly changed that. I predict a hella good night’s sleep is on the way.  Two good cups o’ joe are not going to stand in the way of that.

The burnt residue they left at the bottom of a coffee pot could, however, interfer with tomorrow’s coffee. It had to come out, but the effort needed to remove it seemed like more than I could handle.  Maybe some hot water swooshed around would do it? Nope, no dice.  This is going to require soap and a sponge. And a nap after. When did I ever grow so old?