Da comrade!

From http://www.retronaut.co

The shear, hulking mass of this thing makes it worthy of some love, don’t you think? I mean, faced with the combined power of the NATO navies, the Soviet Union decided what it really needed was a big ass sea plane to shoot holes in boats. Das vidana Nimitz class carriers! So what if the NATO forces have sophisticated radars and super stealth submarines? We have huge plane to sink warship of capitalist pig dogs! That sort of blind persistence in the face of an evolution in the situation is exactly what Reagan was counting on, I suppose.

It’s exactly what I want to count on too. I’ve got a plan and if there is something threatening to get in the way of the plan, I want to make the plan bigger. Two aspirin are good? Three aspirin must be better. A 10K is good? A marathon must be better. I never much pictured myself as a “go big or go home” man, but that’s where I seem to find myself much of the time. Which is not all bad.

But sometimes it means I have this huge piece of decrepit equipment sitting in the back yard because I thought I needed it to counter a threat that was a) not the kind of threat I thought it was and b) was not truly a threat at all. I get all wrapped up in impressing myself with what I can do that I do not pause to consider if it is something I should do. The design is pretty far out though, isn’t it?