Did you hear Susie got pinned at the Delta House?

Yes, I will mock that which I do not understand. Today I will start be mocking Pinterest. I just went and looked at Pinterest for the first time today, and first of all it instructed me to request an invitation. REQUEST! AN INVITATION! Pinterest does not know who I am. I am a busy person who will be invited but will not WILL! NOT! “request an invitation.” Thought leaders never have to ask for it.

(If you love me and the self delusions I maintain, you will not harsh on this.)

Second reason I am not on Pinterest: I suck at french braiding. No braid I have ever made will ever deserve to be photographed. French toast, French fries, and french kisses I can do. So there still may be hope for me and the virtual scrap booking crowd since the pictures on Pinterest that are not of hair are of food. Desserts mostly, with some breakfast thrown in. Lots of cupcakes, which I am not using euphemistically but if you want to go there, that would work too.

One assumes that the hair and the food do not get mixed up. Does that mean you have to wear a hairnet when “pinning?” Is that what Charlie Sheen was talking about all the time, and we just misunderstood? Doubtful. What is less doubtful is that I have now crossed a line. There are somethings that are “for the kids” but not “something I care to fool around with since I am busy.” Pinterest is my first step towards fogeydom.

Or second.

Or third, probably. 

OK, FINE! Get off my lawn!