En el centro comercial

A long early morning training run plus a night at Le Opera equals a dragging, somewhat crabby Sanuk D.  No matter, the forecast calls for rain which justifies sitting on my butt surfing the web.  Alas, the weather did not cooperate and we were given one of those stunning fall days with crisp air and turning leaves, bright sun and puffy clouds on a backdrop of Carolina blue.  Thank God for Levolor and the example of Elvis Presley in his later years.

“What did you learn as you drove your cash-for-clunkers-eligible Dell down the information superhighway,” you say?  Why, thanks for asking.

A) John Mayer is a guitar player, comedian, designer, and serial monogamist who I can continue to safely ignore.

B) The only car companies which have produced diesel station wagons (convertible to veggie power) during a time when such features as anti-lock brakes and air bags have been standard are Audi and Volkswagen.  The Audi A3 is actually a small wagon like the Matrix I used to own and never should have gotten rid of.  But the A3 might be too small as space is diminished in order to run on spent fryer oil.  More study is needed here.

C) The iPod Touch really and truly does not have a camera — still or video.  There is no rational explanation for this.  I predict the situation will be remedied on November 27th, 2009.  I am the love-child-descendant of Nostradamus and this is how I know.

D) American Dreamz was a movie produced in 2006 starring Hugh Grant, Dennis Quaid, Mandy More, Marcia Gay-Harden, and … wait for it … Willem DeFoe.  Like, “I was a badass symbolic character of American idealism in Platoon” Willem DeFoe.  To be honest, the picture of Hugh Grant on the revolting cover of the DVD in the cut-out bin at Swingles is what caught my eye, but then I came home and looked it up.  Apparently this movie was in wide release.  Apparently I do not pay close attention to what movies are in wide release.

I am working on a spreadsheet which will list all of the things you can learn on the World Wide Web.  I am trying to decide whether to name this for the astronically large number of things one might learn or for the shout of joy one might produce on learning such things.  The first person to accurately predict which of these monikers I will choose will receive a 64 gig iPod Touch video on November 28th.