Even educated fleas do it

There is more to a new puppy than a lot of walks. The humping, for instance. Thunder the Wonder Dog is an older man. 11 just the other day, so he is definitely entering a senior phase of his dogdom. Bootsy, the new girl, is young and spy. No one is blaming him for taking a shine to the girl, but needless to say, she can take care of herself.

The person who is most interested in all of this is, of course, Tallulah. Not having reached her bat mitsvah quite yet, there are things with which Tallulah is not yet familiar. When those things are going on in your living room, however, there is kind of no avoiding the subject. The time had to come when the subject of curs and bitches (that’s the term, people) would need to be discussed.

Not by me, of course. Tallulah being a girl, I won a get out of jail free card on that one. Not that I would know where to start seeing as how Mama and Pappy never quite got around to having that discussion with their youngest son. I did figure it out. I also figured out the drinking thing too, a subject on which they had been less reticent but no more effective. I think, however, that discussion will be on me with Tallulah. You can’t skip them all.