Extreme Tov

HEY! WTF? I want some free honey. Why don’t I get free honey? Maybe because I don’t live near a Superfresh store. Pappy used to live near a Superfresh. He and Glinda would go over there on Friday nights and do the shopping. I used to think that was a funny way to spend a Friday night. Now I understand. Get the shopping done and settle in for the weekend. Nice idea. Yeah, and I just bought a lot of plaid short sleeve shirts too. Shit.

But no, there will not be any free honey around here. Our local supermarket is hard pressed to have matzoh on Passover, so you can imagine the kind of response I would get asking about Rosh Hashana specials. It’s fair to ask why one would want apples and honey anyway. Particularly Macintosh apples, unless Macintosh was some sort of underground Scottish Jew (which is what I seem to be aiming for here, except I’m a Thai Scottish Jew wannabe.) Apples and honey remind us that life is sweet, sweetie. So get some.