I read about Sarah Palin’s vlog regarding how people are making her feel bad about the Arizona shooting and I got so mad I had to go do something else. Goodbye New York Times, hello Oxford American. Except there was not a whole lot going on at OxAm. They still had a their thing from December up on the website. It’s been snowing since then, so I reckon they haven’t been in to the office to update the shiz. And it’s not because they are wimps or stupid. You can’t drive on ice either. The December issue had a bunch of music from Ammybammy in it — or Ambamalama depending on how you want to go for it. I thought, “Hey, I’m the ‘music guy’! I could do some more about music.” But I’m not up for it. There are a couple of great albums on the iTouchy right now that deserve a good listening to, but this old planet has got me down and I don’t feel like a musical diversion. Launching off to another dimension, or at least another solar system, holds some appeal. So who to my wondering eyes should appear but good old Sun Ra and his Arkestra. You might have a hard time with Sun Ra. If you have a hard time with John Coltrane, you’re definitely not going to dig the Arkestra. But I have to tell you that, if you want your perspective shifted there is no one like Sun Ra to do it.