From the Bear

Did you know there was such a thing as “Death Yoga”? That sounds like a band that played CBGB’s in 1977, but it is in fact a spiritual practice conducted by a strain of Tantric Buddhism. All yoga, as we know it, comes out of Tantric Buddhism (which I thought was something mainly to do with sex. It’s not just about sex, but it does involve the sex.) Tantric Buddhism is about disciplines, physical and spiritual. Yoga is part of the meditative practice.

Death yoga is not the same as Bikram yoga, although I began to think they may be related this morning. Death yoga is a meditation in preparation for the moment of death. If one can clear the mind sufficiently, one can achieve enlightenment at that point. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is all about this kind of yoga. Every hippie knows that that’s where you find the term “the grateful dead.”

That’s what they think they know anyway. It is what I thought I knew before I knew what I know, which is that I don’t really know. Who knew? You, probably. What else do you know? Do you know about Tantric Buddhism? Even the dirty parts? I’m not so sure that I want you to share. Unless, of course, you are willing to send me a picture first. Then we might be able to have a discussion.