
When someone says “you have to give them credit,” is your first reaction to think, “no, actually, I don’t”? That seems fair enough, because who am I to dictate credit giving policy to you? Nobody, that’s who. Still, though, you have to give the Japanese Women’s National Soccer Team credit. I know that they beat us and that there are plenty of other countries out there who can be magnanimous toward Japan so that we don’t have to. (As a matter of fact, can’t we order Iraq and Afghanistan to be magnanimous to Japan? Plus Pakistan, because they owe us on the harboring Osama Bin Laden thing. Also, once we get Libya freed up, they should throw some magnanimity Japan’s way. Hell, Bosnia needs to get on that too. But I digress.)

But just look at the way Japan went about celebrating their victory:

How are we supposed to be bitter about losing to a team like that? Obviously someone is not communicating the proper way to stomp all over the feelings of the loser. Most have gotten lost in translation.

And then there is Hope Solo. Just because.