Giving Notice

Which is worse, turning in your notice at work and hopping a plane out of the country or coming back from a long vacation and delivering your resignation?  I say the latter, but of course I would say that because I did the former.  Not exactly how I would have played things had I been in control of all the elements, but what can I do about that?  Nothing.  So I erred on the side of giving the folks at the old job as much notice as I possibly could.

What that means in effect is that I came back from vacation to work out the notice.  That’s kind of weird, huh?  Only kind of, because there were a lot of things I got wrapped up in order to be away from the office for a while, and I simply have not unwrapped them.  Other things that I might get rolling about this time, I just let lie.  I’m more focused at this point at taking all my little notes and my idiosyncratic systems and making them such that someone else can understand them.

Therefore, they will read them and promptly discard those and put their own system together.  That will be fine.  A couple of places I have left were supposed to crumble in my absence.  They have not.  I pray that the place I am leaving will be ok with a new person in my place.  It will be.  I’m not saying I am not good, I’m just not irreplaceable.  It is nice to think I’ll be missed though.