Gonna buy five copies for my mother

I remember when Dan Savage ran the contest that resulted in the now infamous alternative definition for “Santorum.” It’s pretty bad, but it’s not so nasty that it would exceed the nastiness of some of the more nasty things a person could find on this blog. Still, though, if you really want to know what Dan Savage came up with, maybe you should go here.

The thing about the NPR story, however, is that Laura Sydell calls Savage’s site an “Internet prank” near the end of the piece. The site is funny, but it’s not a joke. Santorum compares homosexuality to bestiality, pedophilia, and polygamy all of the time. That’s neither a joke nor is it funny. He’s got this coming to him, if you ask me.

What’s perhaps more interesting, however, is that Santorum’s real problem is not Dan Savage. It’s search engine optimization. To be frank, I think most people who try to sell themselves as “SEO Specialists” are a: full of crap, or b: trying to sell me something I don’t need. Or both. Clearly, Rick Santorum has an SEO problem, and I think it is yet another landmark for the Internet in politics that this is true. Plus it could not have happened to a more appropriate target.