Grazing in the Grass

It would appear that the captain of the South African soccer squad has a mohawk. That would be the haircut rather than the canoe, of course. Although it’s possible he has the canoe to match the hair, but this commentator’s accent is so thick that I would never know. From what I can see, el Capitan’s enthusiasm for the Lenni Lanape does not extend beyond his ‘do.

That’s assuming the hairdo is related to our North American culture which, pervasive as it is, may not have penetrated the townships of South Africa. Or perhaps our indigenous folk were granted their unique quaf by an intrepid African many years ago. That would be a hell of a land bridge, wouldn’t it? What do you think they got in return? The vuvuzela? I don’t think they have realized it was a gag gift.

The red card that sent out South Africa’s keeper was no gag, although it was a gift to Uruguay. Not sure they needed it to beat SA. It’s a shame that they are now unlikely to advance since that would make a great story. The story of the World Cup in Africa is still pretty damn good though. Good enough to temp me inside on tomorrow’s day off.