Lord help me, I am in the tall weeds now. In keeping with just about every other Apple vs. IBM or Apple vs. Microsoft or Apple vs. Google discussion I have ever heard, participated in, or otherwise been a party to, the difference between iOS and Android appears to be this: the ability to get under the hood and break shit. Were I to leave well enough alone, I’m confident I could get the R2 unit to do pretty much whatever I needed it to do. Which is to say, get email poolside. I don’t even need that, but it’s what I’m going down this road for.
Skype video chat poolside? Nobody really wants to see that, do they? It’s bad enough for the poor people at the pool, nevermind the poor people on the Skype. Now the cats on Chat Roulette, they are a different story. So what I need the phone to do is very limited as opposed to what I can get the phone to do. Sort of like climbing mountains because they are there, I am compelled to break into phones because I can.
Not that I have broken into a phone before. I tried to get me old Treo to boot Android but never could. I’ve swapped out OSes on PCs before, but none of those PCs were new, and none of them needed to actually do anything for me later. Although they could and did, they did not have to. So, what is a poor boy to do out here in the tall weeds? Root his Android phone and load up some killer apps, apparently.