Hey, you could always write a blog post

Nikki-WKU-4In my high school class there was an eclectic range of ambition and talent.  The quaterback did not even make it through the season and ended up at military school.  The girl I was dating had to choose between the University of Virginia and the University of California.  The University of California.  At Berkley.  Later she wound up at some school in “Cambridge” Massachusetts, wherever that is.  (For the record, my Sweet Lady has damn fine academic chops too, but we did not go to high school together.)  There were some Commodores in the group, and then there were those who ended up at Western Kentucky University.  Go Hilltoppers!  It sometimes seemed to me that WKU’s marketing slogan could be something like “Hey, you could always go to Western.”  It’s kind of comforting, really, to know that there is always a place for a gentleman in Bowling Green.

One would hope that there is always a place for a gentleman in the land of the Suwaree as well.  I have to say that the gentleman who has represented us in the State Legislature for a few years now has never inspired much more in me than a mere “Hey, you could always vote for Bruce.”  A not-rocking-the-boat choice, until this go around.  Bruce has competition.

The only thing I can really tell about Bruce’s competition, however, is that she is not Bruce.  The campaign theme, communicated with no small skill via the Twitter and the MyFace, seems to be “Hey, you don’t have to vote for Bruce.  None of the cool kids are.”  I want to be a cool kid.  I want to be a part of what everyone is doing on the SpaceBook, but I need a better reason.  Plus, I may not have a cool attitude when it comes to certain issues, like water.