Honey could we ask for more?

I had kind of given up on Garrison Keillor.  Just hearing that song start on a Saturday night would remind me that it was almost Sunday and, jack, you know that song.  Plus, while the Tappet Brothers’ repetition of the same stupid jokes over and over is somehow funny to me, the Prairie Home Sad Sack routine had gotten old.  It’s quite possible, however, that I have had just a small case of “you spot it, you got it” going on.

In other words, it’s time to lighten up.  See, tension can be a good thing when there is work to get done. I believe that if something is important, feeling a little stress about getting it done is fine.  The problem arises when I stack too many important things one on top of the other.  Or maybe it’s that I get my important things mixed up with my routine things.  Then all the perspective gets out of whack.

So then I wind up taking everything way too seriously, myself not the least.  Riding back from a weekend in Nashville, we found ourselves listening to the God-awful “Splendid Table” followed by some PHC.  I dug the news from Lake Woebegon, mostly because it reminded me that living the good life takes some work.  In fact, you can have a lot of the good life and still need to work on accepting the rest.   As sad a sack as Garrison Keillor may be, he is not a black and white sack.

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