I just can’t see.

So let us speak of politics, which means at this point the republican primary. True, the President did grab some headlines the other day with his rendition of “Let’s Stay Together,” but I don’t believe for a second that his campaign staff was not fully aware of how quickly the President channeling Al Green would travel across the internet. With all the attention the Mitt versus Newt show is getting, a sweet little interlude from the crooner in chief was a pretty good idea.

Because there is nothing but crowing in the Republican field at this point. Most liberals seem to think this is great stuff, but it is also undeniably air time. Any air time being good air time. For the most part it is just us geeks watching now, and everyone else is not going to care what is said in a primary. Except maybe the Obama campaign, which is saving a shit ton of dollars in opposition research. Neither of the likely Republican nominees is going to have an easy time of it come the general election.

Make no mistake, there are only two potential nominees left, and Newt will surely run his campaign into the ground at some point. I’m willing to bet that he gets fed up with Santorum, tells him off, and loses that part of the Republican base which he has so far been able to cobble together with the hardware salesmen not pulling for Ron Paul to take a swing at Romney. Santorum himself is too far too the right to become the nominee himself, but he is just strong enough to drag everyone else his direction until a nominee is clear and everyone else becomes as superfluous as Ron Paul is already.

All of which leads to Romney getting the nomination in much the same way as McCain: by attrition. It’s a shame too, because the Rockefeller Republican Mitt Romney who governed Massachusetts would be a good complement to the liberal Republicans like Olympia Snow and Scott Brown. If there were talented young Democrats in Congress, then they could latch on as well. Unfortunately all that talent went chasing their dreams in the Executive Branch. And Governor Romney has transformed into “The Politics of Envy” Romney. And in the end, a campaign machine as organized and determined as the President’s is going to simply highlight the relevant sections of Mitt’s tax returns and then go to lunch.

3 Replies to “I just can’t see.

  1. romney has an undiscussed strike against him within his own party… an ELEPHANT in the room, if you get my pundrift there.

    why do you think gingrich won so mightily in south carolina? (hint: it’s not because he shares a name with a sweet figgy treat.)

    1. Do you mean the Mormon thing? If so, I agree that it was a big factor in South Carolina. Those Palmetto Staters also like a talker, and Newt can talk a blue streak. Long story short, if Romney wins the primary, he’ll have to do really well with independents in the general. The process of getting the nomination could make that pretty much impossible.

  2. yeah, the mormon thing. everyone’s all “newt did so well in south carolina” and i am like – just say it! say it! they never do.

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