I remember the 35 sweet goodbyes

I said goodbye to three ladies today, all headed off to new adventures and new lives.  All are twentysomethings with no mortgages, kids, or long-established careers.  One is headed home, knowing that she is ready to lay down roots and wanting to do that near family and taking her man with her.  Another is moving for love to the place where her man lives.  The third is adventuring with her man on another continent.  This time of year, with school starting back and so forth, seems like a time for new adventures and new projects.

I opened a new bank account.  Maybe that doesn’t compare with foreign language immersion school, but it is all right by me.  There are those, and I might have been one of them not too long ago, who look at a young person set for adventure with jealousy.  Others will proclaim their gratitude at having been released from wanderlust.  What I am grateful for is the adventures I am having in everyday life.  How well can we manage our home economy?  What new interests will my Sweet Lady develop.  Tallulah is a never-ending set of puzzles.

Reckon that what I am driving at is that the adventures I am seeking are not “out there” but more right here.  Seeing someone else start out on her adventure doesn’t make me antsy because my adventure is already on.  What I do get, however, is a reawakening of that exploratory spirit.  And a hot date with my lady on Saturday night.