If a tree falls on the Chesterfield…

Mr. Willoughby’s Christmas tree came by special delivery. We bought ours at the Farmers’ Market. We get them from the same people every year. There is not really anything special about these people, except that we get our trees from them every year.  The trees are fine too.  Nothing outstanding or outstandingly poor about them. Just plenty fine trees.

Except, of course, for the suicides. This is the second time we have had a tree take a dive in the living room. The first one went down in the middle of the night. This one went down while we were out to dinner. Either way, they wanted to wait until we were not looking, although you could argue that the first tree was desperate for attention. Poor kid.

I blame it on a poor support system. They have no real solid foundation to support them. So instead they have some stop gap measures meant to resemble a stand. Inevitably, this fails at just the wrong time and I wind up getting another cheap stand intending to replace it with the real thing next year.

But next year comes and, well, I have a stand. And it did just fine last year, so maybe it will hold up just one more time this year. Those heavy duty stands are so darn expensive. And honestly, if a tree is bound and determined to do itself in in our living room, no stand of any value will really be able to stop it.